Artists know that painting partners provide a second point of view, a second source of supplies (do you have any Cad Red Light?), a second source of transportation ( the mechanic says l need a new starter either that, or a new franistanicfreen modulator), a chum when you’re going down that nature trail after that unfortunate stabbing thing, and someone to go in on the shrimp sandwiches at the SeeWee Outpost (most AWESOME shrimp sandwiches ever made, never mind that the SeeWee Outpost is a gas station with a classy name. Hhy 17 in Awendaw). So l need a painter who has no toddler children, no desperately ill elderly parents who need immediate care, who doesn’t mind getting scratched all over with BlackBerry rambles, who fears no dog, snake, nor person “off their meds” who likes shrimp. Not too much to ask.