If I have to listen to my owner one more time, ” Don’t eat that cat food, Sunny! No!No!No! It will make you sick!” Sick, my patooty! It was galishus! And that was over 2 hours ago. She was bathing me because I got into the cat’s moist and meaty can of salmon and egg pate yesterday. Okay, maybe the egg was a mistake, but I don’t smell half as bad as this shampoo job I’m getting. I smell like HER. And I’ve thought so many times “How can a girl who drives a dream car like that keep making such a mistake with her perfume?” Am I right or am I right?
Well, I love her any way and I’ll never leave her. Well, not until the next cat comes along. Rrrrrrrrrrup. Pardon me. She’s a doll even if she does smell like a honeysuckle rrrrrrrrrrrup vine.I think I’ll just have a little walk around the house. Is this Tabriz? How about this nice Garden of Eden pattern? I always get mixed up with the differing patterns from the various Afghanistan tribes. Perhaps a slow walk into the living room might make me feel better. Nnnnnope. Rrrrrrrrrrrup. Hey! Is this Aubusson? Nice. There’s nothing like French.