Paintings that have broad commercial appeal are carefully crafted. The balance of colors, shapes,design,values, placement have been carefully analyzed and studied to produce the artwork that makes you go “Ah!”. The amount of time that is put into producing these pieces usually surprise people, even the artist. Artists frequently produce pieces that are never intended to be sold. Indeed, many pieces are meant never to be seen. Family members will pass by and with frankness bred of familiarity, will ask,”Why did you do THAT?” These highly personal works of art are what really makes them tick. While the commercially appealing piece takes forever to plan, these pieces seem to rocket from the mind and hand. Wasting clay, or marble or canvas or fiber, these pieces have been emerging from the maker’s subconscious over the years of his or her life. The can be as plain and bald and awkward as life. Shoved to the back of the studio, visitors might view them as mistakes or failed studies of later more successful work. They collect dust and prompt friends to suggest helpful trips to the dumpster. Never fear. That huge ugly mess will make it to the trash as soon as the artist is finished with it. They will be a better person for it.