One of my teachers told me never to throw away any of my old brushes. One day I would need the unique properties that a beat up brush with only 2 hairs left possessed. At first, I kept them in an old jar. Then, there were 2 jars. Then 3. It looked so badly, that I found a beautiful green glazed flower pot to keep them “organized”.
What am I doing?!?!!! I haven’t used any of these puppies in 6 years. I feel like one of those people on TV who can’t throw anything away. If I keep these brushes, what won’t I throw away? An old dresser for a bedroom set I no longer own? Why not? Those pillows that stayed behind after we sold the couch? Who are they hurting? No! No! It has to go!
Drastic measures need to be taken. There, gone. I’ll let you know if they’re ever needed in the future. I saw a nice geranium at the hardware store that would go perfectly in that empty flower pot…