We’ve had a cold spring for our area, so I haven’t planted the watermelons. I plant them pretty much every year, though the fruits of my vine are somewhat fewer than other vegetable adventures. My squeeze loves them, and who can blame him? On a hot Charleston day, there’s nothing like sinking your teeth into icy cold, juicy watermelon.
When my dearest came home last night and said he’d paid $7 for a watermelon, he also wanted to know how the watermelon patch was coming in the yard. “Ummmm. Not planted yet.” He looked out at the rest of the vegetable garden, which for once looks pretty spiffy. “Need to plant watermelons” he suggested. Okay,okay. For you, two kinds.
What are you most excited for in your garden this year?
Goal for garden: Never to catch a whiff of that distinctive aroma of rattlesnakes again! Egad. Stubborn little buggers. Lime seems to work well—when one remembers to put it out! Mothballs are also very good. Snake-Away is a waste of time—not a great enough naphalene content. Get the old-fashioned mothballs, not the new kind in the grocery stores that contain no naphthalene.